Strength in diversity

We believe that a diverse workforce of people with different ideas, abilities, interests, and cultural backgrounds is a key to our success. The more diverse our identities, origins, and viewpoints are at Anko, the more real change we can effect for our customers and the industry.

Our priority is establishing and embodying an inclusive, respectful work culture, where every Ankovian feels heard. We take a strategic, multi-pronged approach to improving inclusivity across our organisation by resolutely pursuing a wide range of initiatives both in-house and beyond.

Diversity & inclusivity: because it matters

Women at Anko

Anko's women are breaking the glass ceiling every single day, setting an example on determination and grit for everybody. We are dedicated to providing career, growth and learning opportunities to women in all aspects of our global operations. Having a baby? Starting your career after a break? We don't ask. Your capabilities will never be questioned, and you are always welcome here.

Work hours that support a
great work-life balance
Leadership and career
coaching for women
GD – 3
policies and programs
GD 1
Women-only recruiting
campaigns and drives

Hear from our Ankovians

  • My year long journey at Anko has been enriching. With many opportunities for me to learn and grow in my career, I can broaden my skills and knowledge. The environment here is diverse and yet inclusive.

    My team has been the best part of my journey, living by the values of Anko - show up, support, and encourage each other to reach higher and grow together. I see myself for many more years here.
    Seema AL
    HRBP, People & Capabilities
  • Anko is more than a job - it is about being part of something great and inspirational! It has been three years, and I am proud to be a part of this transformational journey. I have expanded my skillset through challenging experiences, which has enabled me to be better at what I do. I am surrounded by talented professionals and leaders who put their teams first. What tops it all is the warmth and the culture that truly embraces diversity and inclusion. Anko makes me want to reach higher!
    Roselin George
    Head of Data Sciences

LGBTQIA+ Inclusion

We champion the cause of equality and inclusiveness for the Pride community.

Whatever a person's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression may be, they will always be welcomed and celebrated at Anko.

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Gender neutral
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Commitment to creating a safe space for every individual